Sunday, January 3, 2010

From Resolution to Revolution by Emily Carter

I am the self-proclaimed queen of goal setting. I start in November reviewing the year’s goals and begin praying about the next year’s items. You see, I don’t want to have simple resolutions: declarations written to be accomplished at a later date. I want revolutions, complete change, to take place. So this year I have five areas of my life for which I have written goals: Spiritual, Family, Personal, Financial, and Work. Every area does not need a full overhaul, but change does need to occur. For instance, under Family, one goal is to speak with kindness to my family even when I am stressed out. This past year, I noticed that when I am overwhelmed, my tone of voice becomes harsh and my words short. I do not want to talk this way to the people I love most. So, the resolution is to speak kindly, but the plan is to pray, seek Scripture, add accountability from my husband, and commit to keep trying even after I blow it. There you have my #1 family goal for 2010.

As you consider your goals for this New Year, I want to encourage you to write a plan to reach them. Begin with prayer. Jesus did it early in the morning (Mark 1:35). He prayed when he was exhausted (Mark 6:46). He prayed when he was grieved and unsure
(Luke 22:41-42).

After asking God to reveal what your goals should be, add Scripture study to make sure the resolutions line up with God’s Word. Whereas you may not see a specific word about whether or not you should change jobs; there are many verses about work. You will not find the latest diet scheme in the Bible, but you will find Daniel’s example of eating fruits and vegetables and drinking water in order to please God with his eating. His appearance was “beefed” up according to God’s plan. When we seek out the scriptures, we will have more hope (Psalm 130:5), we will know God and His ways (Psalm 25:12), we will have wisdom (Psalm 119:98-100), and we will stay away from evil (Psalm 119:101). Those are great added benefits!

Thirdly, we need accountability. We need someone who loves us and will hold us to completing our goals. Do not be afraid to share your goals with your spouse or a friend. Just make sure that person you share with will periodically be willing to ask you the tough questions.

Finally, we must be committed. Hebrews 12:1 encourages us to “run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” You and I can do anything with Christ! No matter how tough the goal is, you can do it! As long as it is a plan that originates in the plan that God has for you. Remember as you write your goals, God already has His plans for you for 2010, so begin with prayer, add Scripture study and finish with accountability and commitment, and you are sure to run the race well in 2010.