“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away . . . and He who was seated on the throne said, ‘I am making everything new!’" Revelation 21:1, 5
“A new car!” Surely most Americans have heard the announcer on the Price is Right shout these words at least once in their lives. It’s the most exciting prize to win on the show. A new car is a luxury. It means security, no more repairs - and you get to breathe in the coveted “new car smell.”
A car is a big thing and receiving a new one would bring some happy changes to anyone. However, for the person whose car is broken, dented, and not getting the job done, a new car will bring not only gratitude but also welcome relief and peace of mind.
When Eve ate fruit from the wrong tree in the Garden of Eden, the world became tainted. Since then, sin has deepened its impression on our world, and the people who live here. Everywhere we look today we see the results of sin. However, this will not last forever because God made a plan way back in that garden – or maybe even before – and His plan will bring everything back to right.
When a car is damaged in an accident, it’s possible to smooth out the dents, repaint the scratches, and fix the engine (sometimes with spare parts). In the same way, people are forgiven and they can be healed from hurts caused by sin, so that they are essentially restored back into “working order.” However, a car that has experienced an accident carries with it that experience. The only sure way to avoid potential weaknesses in a vehicle caused by another driver, is to buy a new car.
In the same way, in order for God to completely purge His people and all of His creation from the effects of sin He will need to “make all things new.” God is not planning to salvage parts from our present world. He will not merely spruce up the place so it’s just “like” new. God will make an entirely new heaven and new earth out of nothing . . . again.
What’s more, 2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” God has already begun His creation of the new: He begins to remake our souls at the point of conversion. Philippians 1:6 says, “...He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” This work continues throughout our lives and will reach its ultimate goal when Jesus returns to the earth and remakes everything, top to bottom - all new parts, perfectly crafted, untainted by sin, holy, and eternal. To the praise of His glorious name!
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